Sabroe SAB 128 HM MK2
WaterchillersUsed Sabroe RSW (refrigerated sea water system). These systems are used onboard fishing vessels to preserve large catches. In a minimum time, the catch is cooled to close to the freezing point of seawater, ensuring freshness and quality during transport.
This unit has a Sabroe SAB 128 H-M MK2 screw compressor and is direct driven by a 90 kW electric motor. Compressor has an Unisab S-control. Condensor is a horizontal shell and tube. Liquid receiver made of steel and liquid separtor also made of steel. Evaporator is a compact shell and tube special sea water resistant. The refrigerant circulates/evaporates inside the tubes and the sea water circulates outside and across the cold tubes.
No. | 6406 |
Brand | Sabroe |
Type | SAB 128 HM MK2 |
Product type | Water Cooled Chiller |
Refrigerant | Freon |
Display | Unisab S-control |
Remarks | | Compressor y.o.b. 2006 |
Remarks || | RSW unit used for Sea Water |
Amount in stock | 1 |