DWM DLSGP-40X-EWL (x2) & D4DA5-200X-AWM/D (x2) & D3DS5-150X-AWM/D (x1)


Used DWM Copeland rack for low and medium temperature application. Complete with 5 DWM Copeland compressoren: DLSGP-40X-EWL (x2), D4DA5-200X-AWM/D (x2), D3DS5-150X-AWM/D (x1). Furthermore the unit contains a suction accumulator, liquid line filter dryer, oil separator, AC&R oil level regulator for every compressor, AC&R S-9109-CE oil reservoir, Danfoss ADAP KOOL frequency converter and a Danfoss ADAP-KOOL Gateway AKA 245. Capacity based on all the compressors together.
*Why choose for HOSBV? We are not only the largest used refrigeration specialist in Europe, but also, we solely deliver our orders after performing an extensive test and an industrial cleaning. If requested we are happy to arrange your logistics.


No. 14697
Brand DWM
Type DLSGP-40X-EWL (x2) & D4DA5-200X-AWM/D (x2) & D3DS5-150X-AWM/D (x1)
Refrigerant Freon
kW at -30ºC/+40ºC 78,1*
kW at -40ºC/+40ºC 46,9*
Capacity Control
On steel base frame
Pressure safety switches Hp/Lp/Op
Suction accumulator
Oil separator
Oil level system AC&R
Liquid line filter drier
Sight Glass
Remarks | Y.o.b. 2012
Remarks || *Capacity based on all the compressors together.
Package / Rack
Sizes 2820x1260x2250 mm (LxWxH)
Amount in stock 1


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DWM DLSGP-40X-EWL (x2) & D4DA5-200X-AWM/D (x2) & D3DS5-150X-AWM/D (x1)
DWM DLSGP-40X-EWL (x2) & D4DA5-200X-AWM/D (x2) & D3DS5-150X-AWM/D (x1)
DWM DLSGP-40X-EWL (x2) & D4DA5-200X-AWM/D (x2) & D3DS5-150X-AWM/D (x1)
DWM DLSGP-40X-EWL (x2) & D4DA5-200X-AWM/D (x2) & D3DS5-150X-AWM/D (x1)
DWM DLSGP-40X-EWL (x2) & D4DA5-200X-AWM/D (x2) & D3DS5-150X-AWM/D (x1)
DWM DLSGP-40X-EWL (x2) & D4DA5-200X-AWM/D (x2) & D3DS5-150X-AWM/D (x1)
DWM DLSGP-40X-EWL (x2) & D4DA5-200X-AWM/D (x2) & D3DS5-150X-AWM/D (x1)
DWM DLSGP-40X-EWL (x2) & D4DA5-200X-AWM/D (x2) & D3DS5-150X-AWM/D (x1)
DWM DLSGP-40X-EWL (x2) & D4DA5-200X-AWM/D (x2) & D3DS5-150X-AWM/D (x1)
DWM DLSGP-40X-EWL (x2) & D4DA5-200X-AWM/D (x2) & D3DS5-150X-AWM/D (x1)
DWM DLSGP-40X-EWL (x2) & D4DA5-200X-AWM/D (x2) & D3DS5-150X-AWM/D (x1)
DWM DLSGP-40X-EWL (x2) & D4DA5-200X-AWM/D (x2) & D3DS5-150X-AWM/D (x1)
DWM DLSGP-40X-EWL (x2) & D4DA5-200X-AWM/D (x2) & D3DS5-150X-AWM/D (x1)
DWM DLSGP-40X-EWL (x2) & D4DA5-200X-AWM/D (x2) & D3DS5-150X-AWM/D (x1)
DWM DLSGP-40X-EWL (x2) & D4DA5-200X-AWM/D (x2) & D3DS5-150X-AWM/D (x1)
DWM DLSGP-40X-EWL (x2) & D4DA5-200X-AWM/D (x2) & D3DS5-150X-AWM/D (x1)
DWM DLSGP-40X-EWL (x2) & D4DA5-200X-AWM/D (x2) & D3DS5-150X-AWM/D (x1)
DWM DLSGP-40X-EWL (x2) & D4DA5-200X-AWM/D (x2) & D3DS5-150X-AWM/D (x1)
DWM DLSGP-40X-EWL (x2) & D4DA5-200X-AWM/D (x2) & D3DS5-150X-AWM/D (x1)
DWM DLSGP-40X-EWL (x2) & D4DA5-200X-AWM/D (x2) & D3DS5-150X-AWM/D (x1)
DWM DLSGP-40X-EWL (x2) & D4DA5-200X-AWM/D (x2) & D3DS5-150X-AWM/D (x1)
DWM DLSGP-40X-EWL (x2) & D4DA5-200X-AWM/D (x2) & D3DS5-150X-AWM/D (x1)
DWM DLSGP-40X-EWL (x2) & D4DA5-200X-AWM/D (x2) & D3DS5-150X-AWM/D (x1)
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