Carrier 30 RA 120

Full specifications for Carrier 30 RA 120

No. 17032
Brand Carrier
Type 30 RA 120
Product type Air Cooled Chiller
Capacity kW 115,0
Capacity Tons 32,7
Refrigerant Freon
Refrigerant Type R407C
Hydronic Module
Weight in kg. 1305 kg
Sizes 2270x2070x1420 mm (LxWxH)
Compressor(s) type & model 2x Performer SZ115S4CC & 2x Performer SZ160T4CC
Display Carrier Pro-Dialog Plus
Number of fans 2
Fan specifications 50 Hz - 0,90/0,45/0,12 kW - 700/600/300 RPM
Remarks | Y.o.b. 2003

Description for Carrier 30 RA 120

Used Carrier 30 RA 120 air-cooled water chiller on R407C. Complete with 2 Performer SZ115S4CC & 2 Performer SZ160T4CC scroll compressors, condenser with 2 Carrier CM29G/T fans - 50 Hz - 0,90/0,45/0,12 kW - 700/600/300 RPM, brazed heat exchanger as evaporator, 2 Salmson DIL205/13/3 water pumps, expansion vessel and a control cabinet with a Carrier Pro-Dialog Plus.
*Why choose for HOSBV? We are not only the largest used refrigeration specialist in Europe, but also, we deliver all equipment solely if it has passed our extensive test. Warranty and industrial cleaning are included in your purchase. *If requested we are happy to arrange your shipment.

Downloads for Carrier 30 RA 120

Carrier 30 RA 120 - Product sheet Download (PDF)
Carrier 30 RA 120 - Specifications Download (PDF)

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