HOS BV was present recently at a “Meet and Greet Experience” event. 2nd-year students of VMBO education institutes were given the opportunity to meet employers in different technical fields, vital for their education orientation, but also a possibility to appeal to these students as potential employers for the future.
What is MGE?
A Meet and Greet event where employers, schools, and students can come together with the main aim for students to be able to orient themselves on future education, occupation, and employment.
As employers, we had the opportunity to present ourselves as possible employers for the attending students and give them a glimpse of the day-to-day practice, rather than just the theory of their education.
Test Set-Up of a Refrigeration System
We visited the event bringing with us: our compressor overhauling specialist, workshop manager, and office manager as well as a refrigeration system test set-up. With this setup, it was easy to demonstrate the workings of a refrigeration system to interested students. The set-up consisted of a compressor (to send pressurized refrigerant gas to the second component, an air-cooled condenser (for heat-dissipation), and then to the third component, an evaporator (for cold air distribution).
This example of a classic refrigeration closed circuit allowed us to demonstrate the technology we work with in our everyday lives to students.
Our experts were available to answer questions, explain technical details, and provide insight into the fascinating world that is called refrigeration technology.
A Look Into an Open Compressor
We also brought a completely open compressor with us, exposing the inner workings of a compressor and all the parts and components in it. Students recognized many parts such as crankshaft, pistons, and connecting rods, parts they recognized from theory they had already been taught in school on conventional combustion engines. The surprise for most was the embedded electromotor inside the compressor, which most students were unfamiliar with.
Therefore, a new experience for most students which triggered a lot of questions for our experts, which was fun to deal with. For the students, a hands-on experience and a chance to discover the complexity of the technology we have come to see as normal in our everyday life. We found it very valuable to interact with these young minds and to inspire them to explore their future possibilities and opportunities.
Conversation and Inspiration
The Meet and Greet was meant to be as interactive as possible. Not just for us to show ourselves as an employer and the technology we sell and deliver, but also to answer the students' questions. We were pleasantly surprised with the level of interest and curiosity of these students and how motivated they are in shaping their ambitions and future. We had many conversations about career opportunities, education choices, and personal experiences.
The Role of MGE in Education
MGE plays an important role by bringing students, schools, and potential employers together. This supports the exchange of knowledge and experience and stimulates students' preparation for their future choices in education and potential employment.
Dedication to Education
HOS BV supports education initiatives and we strive to help young talent in their career development. In addition, we like to excite students to choose refrigeration technology, not in the least with the hope they might one day choose to come to strengthen our organization of course!
It is therefore our hope that besides the interesting meetings we had with students, we may welcome them sometime in the future into our company as the next generation of talented professionals.